The sisters loll about reading trashy magazines and smoking cigarettes in elongated holders.
The very title "True Romance" comes to suggest a new reality as well as the old, trashy magazines that inspired such stories.
Loyal friends brought couch picnics and trashy magazines.
Annie had spent the morning doing household chores, the afternoon on the Mad Hatters web site and the evening enjoying that long bath and the trashy magazines she had been promising herself.
"This group has less credibility than a trashy tabloid magazine," said Chad Clanton, a spokesman for the campaign.
It's been written up in every trashy magazine in the world.
This was the second leg of her journey from Italy, having changed planes in London, and she'd already read her book and flipped through the trashy in-flight magazine.
Cosmo is a trashy magazine no matter who's on its cover.
Unadulterated entertainment is a beautiful thing, whether in the guise of a summer blockbuster or a trashy magazine.
The trouble with you is, you read too many of those trashy magazines.