A building's history, however gripping or traumatic, is not lapidary, not even when posted on a plaque.
China's traumatic 20th-century history is never far from the surface here.
Enter gospel, a music that looks backward at a traumatic history but also forward to a hopeful future.
Myalgia without a traumatic history is often due to viral infections.
As a political party, we lived a traumatic history under the military dictatorship.
This sort of obstinate sentiment has deep roots in the traumatic history of the Serbs.
Given Seven of Nine's extremely traumatic history, heaven knows what's stirring in that brain of hers.
Given their traumatic histories, it is amazing that the primates are so approachable.
That gravity is a direct reflection of Poland's traumatic history.
Another reason for the psychoanalysts' fascination with Dr. Melfi is their own traumatic history.