Home was a couple of thousand light years away, which distance they traveled instantaneously, by an application of will.
But you can travel between here and Earth instantaneously.
It should even be possible for the group velocity to become infinite or negative, with pulses travelling instantaneously or backwards in time.
He and his team had tried to establish a real-time sequence, depicting what the events would look like if light traveled instantaneously.
At warp nine, that distance was traveled almost instantaneously.
If one imagines a machine that can travel from junction to junction almost instantaneously, finding a path to the exit would take only seconds.
And now you can travel instantaneously around the globe, and you don't need these long stories to get up to speed.
Hasan suspected that the trip would have been much shorter, otherwise, since the man had already dem onstrated his ability to travel almost instantaneously.
Thing, who was only seen as a hand reaching out of various boxes around the mansion, could apparently travel from box to box almost instantaneously.
Humanity has discovered the means of travelling instantaneously in time and space.