For example, some countries separate flights traveling on the same route by keeping a minimum distance between them.
In November 2008, a bus travelling on the route was involved in a collision with a car in Woolwich.
(Siva even mentions that a certain Mr. Anbuselvam is travelling ahead of them on the same route)
Connectivity inside metro trains travelling on the route is expected in the future.
The heavy police presence is in part due to documented illegal activities, such as one year when some women travelling on the route were molested.
After traveling eastward through Ballston on the present route of Fairfax Drive, the line reached Clarendon, where it branched.
To the question, would she travel on the route again, Emma answered, 'If I could afford it.'
At any given time, two riders were traveling on the route - one in each direction.
Then, a bus traveling on the route Suceava-Botoșani capsized off a bridge into a deep swamp.
The vessel cut a path through the ice for transport convoys travelling on the hazardous route across the White Sea to Archangel.