After his success as Bozo, he was the only one among all clowns who traveled to several countries solely to represent the Bozo character.
Donna Moss travels to North Dakota to represent the Bartlet administration at a meeting to change the state's name.
Senior traveled to Australia to represent England in the 2008 World Cup.
The winner spends a year travelling to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes.
From this match two players were selected to travel to London to represent France for the first European Cup in October 2005.
By the age of 13, Kasparov was working hard at chess and traveling abroad to represent the Soviet Union in various tournaments.
He travelled twice to Hawaii to represent Japanese interests there, once in 1901 and again in 1902.
Bo is asked to travel to Paris to represent the Napa Valley vintners at the contest.
At the end of that season he traveled to England to represent New Zealand in the 1995 World Cup.
This weekend I will be travelling to Macao to represent the Commission at the hand-over ceremonies.