Nearly as bad, it seems, was the buffalo gnat, which one traveler called "the most detestable thing in creation."
At one freehold after another, the travelers called polite greetings to farmers and their field hands, but didn't pause.
To set this up, the traveler must first call to establish the overseas number being used.
Potential travelers can write or call for brochures, but must make reservations through travel agents.
When travelers call, they are told that the free travel offered on the postcard is in fact complimentary hotel lodging.
They usually run on demand, and travelers should make a reservation in advance or call on arrival at the airport.
A traveler, you called him, a wanderer without a home or family to call his own.
A central phone system, maybe, so that travelers could call home, or at least find out where the local facilities were.
One gray, sleety day, she was on duty when a traveler came up the road from Duke's West, and called the challenge herself.
One unknown traveler called it "the worst that has yet been built in the entire world."