One of the more controversial destinations, particularly for Americans, travelers continue to visit Venezuela.
The famous traveler continued to look towards the sarcophagus with something in his blue eyes that might have been dread.
A suspicion crossed Pug's mind, but he said nothing, as the traveler continued.
Finished with their drinking, resting, and talking, the two travelers continued their journey.
The morning sun was still several hours away, so the travelers continued their journey eastward.
All travelers should continue to exercise caution when on the road.
The two travelers continue around, looking for Brutus, and find that each morning after they wake, food appears nearby.
He's a friend of mine, you know," the irrepressible traveler continued.
Some other analysts agree that travelers will continue to turn to Web sites in increasing numbers.
The two travelers made their way around the pit and continued on after the detour as though nothing had interfered with the journey.