European travelers noted the ruins, for instance, the travel writer Richard Pococke in the 18th century wrote about it.
A traveler who visited the post at Yakoma in 1905 noted that wages were mainly paid in the form of beads and salt.
Several foreign travelers through Moldavia since the 16th century noted that locals called themselves "Romanians" and their language "Romanian".
By the 18th century in Virginia, travelers already noted the high rate of mixed-race people, and many shades of color found among slaves.
Early travelers through the canyon noted the upper portion of Frog Woman Rock resembles the profile of a woman's face.
As a later traveler noted, "frequent graves and bleaching skulls of animals are painful reminders of unfortunate travelers who died from thirst on the road."
However, travelers should note that many smaller stations are inaccessible to those who cannot climb stairs.
Other travelers noted that in many cases, two suspension bridges stood side by side.
A number of other folk, the traveler noted, had hastily improvised a livery of black and gold for themselves to wear.
Russian travelers who visited him after the end of Napoleonic Wars noted apparent mediocrity of his works of this period.