Commuters and travelers can switch between modes of transportation in downtown Mount Vernon.
Many travelers are switching from overseas trips to vacations in Florida, the West Coast or other spots closer to home.
Halfway along the Bridge is Midway Station, where travelers switch from one galaxy's gate system to the other.
Given the popularity of frequent-flier programs, it is questionable how many travelers will switch airlines because of J. D. Power's, or anyone else's, findings.
Much of the town's business at that point was Chilliwack residents wanting to travel by rail, but after construction, westbound travelers would switch to the new route.
In particular, the frequent flyer programs that SAS and Braathens had made it difficult to convince corporate travelers to switch to Color Air.
With the advent of large passenger jet aircraft in the 1960s, intercontinental travelers largely switched from ships to planes, sending the ocean liner trade into a slow decline.
The majority of international flights connect through here, where many travelers switch to oceangoing travel.
Mr. Mitchell noted that travelers arriving in a different time zone normally switched to the new time in an abrupt and disorienting way.
He also said Northwest expected revenue generated by the traffic to exceed revenue lost when travelers who previously bought more expensive coach tickets switched to the new fare.