What's more, today's travelers tend to be highly connected.
Once home, travelers tended to cut them out of the enjoyably self-heroizing accounts they published.
Older travelers also tend to get harder hit than the young by jet lag, as President Bush might attest.
Many travelers have tended to restrict themselves to the western edges of the country, with perhaps a visit to Ankara.
European travelers tend to make their plans three months or more in advance.
The long-distance travelers tend to begin in early autumn while the short distance travelers start much later.
None of them are sure quite what happens there, although travelers tend to avoid the place.
The only generalization that can be made is that first-time travelers to Africa tend to find.
Part of the problem is that business travelers tend to associate the Holiday Inn name with run-of-the-mill service.
Spending more time in Australia, these travelers tend to explore considerably more of the country.