Several foreign travellers, mainly Arabs, had written about a kingdom of the Maldives ruled over by a queen.
Later, particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries, European travellers in the Middle East wrote extensive accounts of the dancers they saw there.
In the 1660s Evliya Çelebi, the famous Turkish traveller wrote of the overwhelming majesty of its view.
Early travellers to Egypt also wrote that female slaves were subjected to FGM.
One traveller wrote to us about feeling like a 'walking wallet' in Egypt, and we knew exactly what she meant.
A contemporary British traveller, Abraham Parsons, wrote in 1775:
In 1788, a French traveller named Villehouson wrote that Kastanitsa "...has four hundred houses."
In 'Passages of Eastern Travel', Harper's magazine, 1856, p. 197, an American traveller wrote:
One traveller in 1849 wrote:
Many other travellers have written that in the coastal plain of Yeroskipou there were centuries old olives and carob trees.