Then the prisoners would relate their supposed treasonous activities in chronological order.
The problem is that real hard information on the treasonous activities of members of the invisible Government is very hard to come by.
The Service's Documentation Department would have been happy to build for them a record of treasonous activities as long as they wished.
Other historians would subsequently add to the catalog of Wilkinson's treasonous activities.
We clarified as follows: "Please write a systematic account of your treasonous activities from beginning to end."
On arrival, he was surprised to learn that there had been no mutiny, and that the dead officer was apparently involved in treasonous activities.
Koskinen denied the charges, but she was sentenced to prison from treasonous activity for two years.
The petitioners were pro-Confederate northern men who had been found guilty and sentenced to death by a military court for treasonous activities.
Later Jefferson was to deny having heard at this time so much as a rumour of my "treasonous" activities.
Two, Blount and Dayton, were involved in possibly treasonous activities.