'You're an observant little possum,' said the Dame approvingly, noting my interest in the valuable art treasures scattered around the room.
The collection of treasure scattered carelessly in opulent display was staggering.
Other cultural treasures scattered throughout the site include carved Taoist and Buddhist images and over thirty stone lanterns.
There, as all know, the dragon sleeps with a hoard of treasure scattered about him.
He pointed to the treasures scattered all around, and, leaving the crosses and other vessels, he took us to see the reliquaries, which represented the glory of this place.
The roguelike genre is a common and typical example, with endless procedurally generated dungeon terrain and randomly placed monsters and treasures scattered throughout.
There may still be small bits of treasure scattered on the bottom of the bay but none on Skeleton Island.
Everybody says there's treasure scattered loose all over the bottom of this bay.
Sophie and Evvie looked away, saw the treasure scattered on the bed, and then looked away from that, too.
He can gain energy by collecting treasures scattered throughout the mansion, and it is restored when you kill a Dracula.