It is unacceptable to treat China which has become the boss of polluters like any one of the third world countries.
The Administration believes that if we don't treat China as an enemy, it won't become one.
He felt that the Soviets were not treating China as an equal partner.
That is how the imperialists have treated China.
Perhaps it would be better to treat China the same way we treat Cuba.
If they don't, people won't treat China as sovereign risk and will demand more security.
Treat China as a normal country, this side argues, and it will eventually turn into one.
The way those yellow devils have been treating China.
However, I do not believe it is right to treat China differently from other countries with an equally disturbing track record in protecting human rights.
"But if the West treats China as a threat, it will inevitably have to find its own path to meet its energy needs."