As a response to her campaign, Serra said he will establish clinics to treat addicts.
After years of reduced Federal financing for drug rehabilitation, it would increase money for treating addicts.
Others say that money would be better spent treating addicts who committed crimes rather than locking them up.
But it is politically safer to advocate fighting drugs abroad than treating addicts at home.
Doctors don't like to treat addicts, because they are messy and disruptive.
But some substances used to treat addicts, like methadone, are themselves addictive.
The 93-to-0 vote added $1.4 billion to the Senate's version of the budget for drug programs ranging from efforts to block imports to treating addicts.
At least law enforcement gives society the chance to treat addicts instead of simply providing them with more poison.
"He's not saying there should be no punishment, but we have to treat addicts, too."
This finding comes after years of doubt among many officials about the effectiveness of programs to treat addicts.