The room had been dressed as a field hospital for the picture, apparently doing double duty when not actually treating cinematic casualties.
"We're still treating casualties, and I have to take time away from the living to deal with those who are beyond help."
Usually that only happened when I was forced to treat casualties while people were-killing one another all around me.
There was a medical team here to treat "friendly" casualties.
On July 19, 1918 he displayed extraordinary heroism while treating casualties under fire.
A physician treating casualties on the scene estimated that 100 people had been wounded, mostly by buckshot.
The field hospital was built in February to treat casualties from the campaign against Iraq.
But since they were treating casualties from both sides, they were allowed to remain and continue operating.
These countermeasures being therapies and materials to treat casualties of chemical warfare agents.
The five hospitals treating casualties called for blood donations.