It was a dignified appeal to the public to treat female homosexuality with tolerance.
By treating homosexuality as a non-issue, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" shows us just how much society has changed.
This was a standard type of aversion therapy used to treat homosexuality, which was considered a mental illness at the time.
Critics accused him of caving into the mounting pressure in the 1960's to treat homosexuality as normal, rather than a deviation.
Discussing "the paradox of the open bedroom," Ms. Brill treats homosexuality with sympathy.
Though the film was banned in China, it was seen as a rare example of a Chinese film to treat homosexuality as an everyday occurrence.
Shelley was the first major English writer to treat Platonic homosexuality, although neither work was published during his lifetime.
In particular, TWO is critical of organizations and religious ministries which treat homosexuality as a diseased behavior pattern which can be "cured".
But now I'm afraid that I treated homosexuality as shameful and secretive.
The use of aversion therapy to treat homosexuality is illegal in some countries.