A family medicine doctor who treats pregnant women or infants.
Sometimes labor is delayed so the mother can be moved to a hospital with special facilities for treating premature infants.
Q. What can we learn about gender from examining how the medical profession treats infants born with ambiguous genitalia?
It benefits only infertile couples who can afford to treat healthy white infants like pricey commodities.
CPAP also may be used to treat preterm infants whose lungs have not yet fully developed.
He therefore recommended treating infants suffering from diarrhea with the bacteria .
In addition, treating low-birth-weight infants is expensive, especially when there are much cheaper ways of ensuring healthy babies.
Her role on the Gold Coast was to treat acutely ill infants and children, and give advice at a clinic level.
And we don't treat infants or the elderly.
Now, liquid ventilation is cited by many neonatologists as the next large step in treating premature infants.