"Trying to treat widely available public information as 'secret' is a particular concern."
The Defense Department yesterday announced changes in how it will treat information in an enormous military recruiting database.
The natural science community initially solved this difficulty by invoking the concept of 'information', treating information as independent of meaning.
To treat information scientifically, engineers needed to answer the kinds of questions they were asking about matter and energy: how much?
It includes protecting specific groups of people, like children, while treating private information in a manner that is in line with a professional ethics code.
"All right," he said, a little unsure of how he ought to treat information of this nature.
Computer science is the science of how to treat information.
Also, he writes, they may treat other valuable information as unsuitable for patenting, but as permanent trade secrets instead.
The Netherlands and Sweden treat electronic information in different ways.
In any legal action for breach of confidentiality, the courts would be reluctant to treat information as secret that you had not taken practical steps to protect.