Within the past two years, for example, three new drugs have been released to treat migraines, with another due in the spring.
The medications used to treat migraines at that time didn't really help me, so I quit taking them.
Among the general population, nifedipine is used to treat migraines, high blood pressure, and heart problems.
The hope is that this class of medications will be useful to treat migraines.
One study has shown that this drug may work better than Imitrex for treating migraines.
It is used to treat migraines when they occur.
Unfortunately, coenzyme Q-10 doesn't seem to be effective in treating migraines, once they have developed.
General dietary restriction has not been demonstrated to be an effective approach to treating migraine.
"People are still treating migraine in an old-fashioned way."
Although not indicated, they are commonly used to treat migraines and other pain related ailments.