He is given a physical examination, but otherwise treated coldly by everyone else, including Misato Katsuragi, the leader of WILLE.
She is disliked and spurned by the other children, and treated coldly by the orphanage administrators-the reason for this, however, is unclear.
He attempts to socialize, but is treated coldly by his manager and subjected to mocking by his colleagues.
When Ms. Walters was treated coldly by her male co-anchor, Harry Reasoner, ABC ended up looking both inept and sexist.
Alice is treated coldly, like her emptiness is the only thing important about her, and still she aches.
Two years ago, she said, she called the city to inquire, but was treated coldly by a city worker who hung up after telling her that she needed to affiliate with a city agency.
Since his father had never married his mother, Ugo was first treated coldly by his young stepmother Parisina Malatesta, who was almost his own age.
As a girl, Dorothy - known to many as Dolly - was often treated coldly by her parents, each of whom had separate romantic and social interests.
According to Betty Hutton, she was treated coldly by most of the cast and crew because she replaced Garland.