The vomiting and diarrhea are treated symptomatically and will usually resolve after one to two days.
Most patients have mild-to-moderate cases, and can be treated symptomatically with lubricants.
Some adverse effects can be treated symptomatically by using adjunct medications such as anticholinergics (antimuscarinics).
Diarrhoea was treated symptomatically, usually coincidentally by morphine given primarily for pain.
It is also important to know that even though the disease does not have a cure, symptoms can be treated symptomatically.
Other abnormalities (neurological, structural, Hirschsprung disease) associated with the syndrome are treated symptomatically.
All other ailments were treated symptomatically by palliative methods.
High blood pressure, tachycardia (rapid heart-beat) and hyperthermia, if present, should be treated symptomatically.
An acute attack, at the outset, is best treated symptomatically.
On the other hand, those with milder disease have survived into the fifth decade if symptomatically treated.