In the end, she became convinced that since no one was offering a more promising treatment alternative, she would stay with her medical team.
Many guidelines place the treatment alternatives into classes to help providers in deciding which treatment to use.
Several treatment alternatives may be available for a given medical condition, with significantly different costs yet no statistical difference in outcome.
He found himself poring over the Internet and trying to decide among some not very appealing treatment alternatives.
Instead of taking up an expensive hospital bed, the patient would be given a choice of treatment alternatives.
Clinical trials may also be a valuable treatment alternative.
Like other treatments, it has potential side effects, and patients should explore with their physicians the risks and benefits of treatment alternatives.
And there is no mention of treatment alternatives, like medication or a procedure that would save the uterus.
They point to his willingness to consider treatment alternatives for low-level drug offenders.
Sclerosing alcohol injections are an increasingly available treatment alternative if the above management approaches fail.