But there were only 1,600 treatment beds available for longtime prisoners in Texas's prisons over the last few years.
But they said the need for more treatment beds remains dire.
The number of treatment beds on Long Island is about 200.
It would set aside savings from the state's declining prison rolls to create 2,000 new treatment beds.
Roughly 9,300 such resident treatment beds exist now, but they are not all for drug offenders.
The 2,000 new treatment beds will become 300 - if Federal funding materializes.
Before that, the state was supporting 495 adult and juvenile residential treatment beds.
That money would help pay for more than 3,000 treatment beds this year and 15,000 during ther next five years.
There is the one that was explicitly intended for such children: the state mental health system, which has about 540 residential treatment beds.
It's very hard to find treatment beds for pregnant women.