Programs that integrate medical and psychological modalities aimed at the treatment of sexual dysfunction in those who have had cancer are warranted.
This device is only available by prescription and is clinically indicated for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.
The compound will be used for the treatment of male and female sexual dysfunction.
These drugs are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and were the first effective oral treatment available for the condition.
It is a drug used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and has vasodilatory properties.
It is indicated for the treatment of endothelial dysfunction and hyperhomocysteinemia.
It is under development as a potential medication for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.
It contains the chemical yohimbine, which is being studied in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Published reports have shown it to be effective in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction in men.
It is sold as prescription medicine in pure form for the treatment of sexual dysfunction.