The treaty aims to get developing countries to do more, like protecting forests, to help species survive.
The international treaty bans the use of all chemical weapons and aims to eliminate them throughout the world.
Hailed by arms controllers as marking the cold war's end, the treaty aims to halt the development of new weapons of mass destruction.
The best treaty will aim for the smallest loss in world welfare.
The treaty aims to prevent the exportation of hazardous waste to unsafe, inadequate sites.
Some international treaties aim to protect migratory species across national boundaries.
The treaty aims to introduce the first global trading system for greenhouse gas credits.
I consider it possible, in full respect of the treaty, to achieve exactly what the treaty aims to achieve.
Today our treaties aim to achieve an area of freedom, security and justice. And we have come a long way, it is true.
The treaty aims to liberalize each other markets to parties of the agreement and directly encourage trade between the two countries.