To simplify verification, the treaty negotiators banned all cruise missiles with ranges between 300 and 3,400 miles, whether they carry nuclear or conventional warheads.
"This is a potential winner," said Eileen Claussen, executive director of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and a former treaty negotiator for the Administration.
In addition, Lieut. Gen. Royal B. Allison, retired, who represented the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the negotiations, is scheduled to appear with other treaty negotiators.
The means by which the treaty negotiators would address the record of violence against unarmed civilians had long been seen as the one destined to define the character of the peace.
The treaty negotiators assumed that the United States would remove its forces from Panama unless the two countries negotiate some other arrangement.
He succeeded Chief Ouray as the official treaty negotiator.
The Delegated States of Friesland even went so far as to demand an inquiry by the States General into the conduct of the Dutch treaty negotiators.
"A giant Rohrschach test," one Senate aide said after staring at the marble during several hours of testimony from treaty negotiators.
The message is to our treaty negotiators, to this Administration, and to the rest of the world: The Senate is a co-equal party in treaties.
The ranchers also think the Air Force or treaty negotiators seem too bent on a unilateral solution to shutting down the silos.