The treaty regulated the status of an independent Hungarian state and defined its borders.
While the treaty forbids torture and regulates its practitioners, it doesn't diminish the need to extract information.
But the treaty regulates only chemicals used for weapons that are not now, and would not be, traded by United States companies.
A treaty regulating the development of hydroelectric facilities on the Douro River was signed in 1927.
The treaty regulates the demilitarisation of the archipelago.
The treaty forbids international trade for commercial purposes and regulates all trade, including sending specimens to museums, through a system of permits.
Bilateral treaties now regulate trans-Atlantic air traffic, and 1992 has US carriers worried about their strength in future talks.
This treaty regulates pollution by ships, including oil and air pollution, shipboard sewage and garbage.
Under a treaty regulating traffic on the Danube, Mr. Milosevic's government is obliged to clear obstacles from the river, or let others do so.
MARPOL 73/78 is one of the most important treaties regulating pollution from ships.