Other treaties - including the Start nuclear weapons accords, the Chemical Weapons Treaty and the treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons - do not restrict the right to withdraw.
Supporters of that provision, which would have been effective only through March 1999, said it would have given Mr. Clinton a diplomatic carrot to entice India and Pakistan to sign treaties to restrict their nuclear testing.
The treaty also restricts patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and outlines the removal of investment restrictions among the three countries.
The treaty also restricted the independent tonnage of ships and forbade the construction of submarines.
Despite popular claims to the contrary, the treaty would not restrict U.S. citizens' Second Amendment rights for various reasons.
Page A1 International A3-14 A treaty to restrict waste shipments across borders was unanimously adopted by more than 100 countries.
The treaty restricts the testing and deployment of missile-defense systems.
That treaty restricts the testing and deployment of defensive systems.
There is limited entry for competitors on the routes to Brazil and Argentina because bilateral treaties restrict the market.
This treaty also restricts the use of the Moon to peaceful purposes, explicitly banning military installations and weapons of mass destruction.