The trees there blazed golden-orange in the dawn.
On a sunny autumn day, with the trees blazing color, the mountains are startling in their beauty.
It looked as if four or five whole trees were blazing on it, and it was so hot they couldn't go within yards of it.
But what in the name of a volunteer fire department set that tree to blazing, Tom?
The grasses of the fields rippled in golden waves in the brisk wind, and trees near The River blazed with brilliant shades of yellows and reds.
Stands of Japanese maples, sweet gum and other trees blaze with color (peak viewing time is late October to late November).
As I gave it all up, the trees unrolled their tongues of flame and blazed in approval.
The trees blazed in her mind like exclamation points of light, but there was no trace of any other living thing in the forest.
The trees crackled and blazed, thunder rumbled.
Two trees were already blazing from airborne embers, and people lay huddled on the ground to escape the smoke.