But their hearts are torn apart, and the trees call to them.
Where these roads cross at the centre of the village stood a tree called the Bay Bush.
There were not quite enough trees to call it a forest and an almost total lack of undergrowth.
The regions can be organized into a tree, called a space-partitioning tree.
His people live in a gigantic tree called the Home Tree.
And never trees or any flowers-only those red things called Immortals.
If the tree has wide supporting basal growths, sometimes called buttresses, it may be necessary to measure higher - at a person's height.
The trees called to me so old, so majestic, the branches reaching out to caress and protect the house they had grown up with.
I could not tell what tree to call it that these stakes were cut from.
Equally, an 8ft tree in a room with an 8ft ceiling will call for drastic pruning (and wasted money).