Dwork was memorialized with a tree dedicated to him at the site of the Mahwah Public Library.
The highlight of the planting was a tree dedicated to the namesake of this Central Florida community, the "Temple" Tangor.
There is a tree dedicated in her memory at Champoeg State Park.
This was probably filled with trees and bushes dedicated to Venus, and with birds such as pigeons, which were beloved by the goddess.
But there was one tree specially dedicated to Kauai, and it made both life and agriculture on the island possible.
The park will incorporate the existing Aston Park, a grove of mature trees dedicated in 1983.
The 1970 Pageant of Peace also included a tree dedicated to prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action.
These were trees, usually old oaks or elm trees, dedicated to the gods.
The small grove in front of the square has a number of trees dedicated by personalities who have visited here, including Indira Gandhi.
Each tree being dedicated to a creator of a commemorative site of this school where Jean Bouhier can be found amongst others.