In it, he held a bit of his own eyelash embedded in a resin of tree gum.
At the end of the evocation, his left hand came down hard on the tree gum.
Its diet primarily consists of fruit, but also includes insects, tree gum, snails, and small vertebrates.
In winter, it relies on plant exudates, such as sap and tree gum.
Their diet is a mixture of insects and other small animals, fruit, and tree gums.
Although tree gum is not as nutrient-rich as its preferred diet, it is available year-round.
Its diet consists mainly of fruits, tree gum and insects.
This monkey has a specialized diet of tree gum.
They are omnivores, eating small animals, fruit, tree gum, and other vegetation.
It's a dried tree gum," Revek said, "with a flavor between lemon and hot peppers.