We got into tree hugging again.
The trainer was made aware of this and found him in the Hotel garden, sitting under a tree hugging his legs and looking at the stars with melancholy.
"Manchester, so much to answer for," tree hugging miserabilist Morrissey once sang.
Twin clouds of breath escorted the pair as they made their way down a gradual decline and then around a curve, the trees hugging either side of the trail.
Is it the land of Ronald Reagan and Lee Iacocca, or of tree hugging hippies who want every car to be electric?
Not one of these low life people backs up their words with actions when it comes to charity, or tree hugging causes.
Landscape photography in this country is not even close to being considered an art, more the pastime of the tree hugging anorak.
"Hey, Carol, the trees hugging back yet?"
You could not hunch up into the tree, hugging closer to the trunk.
In fact, Mr. Mamet has presented what amounts to a catalogue of the desperate measures taken by American white men who have felt their sexual and racial dominance threatened, implicitly evoking everything from tree hugging to Western militiamen.