What began as an association of professional foresters, now has a membership of individuals who care about trees and forests: environmentalists, recreational enthusiasts and tree lovers.
I walked across the windy campus to see another tree lover, who grew up in Brooklyn.
Long before the developers took over, the Grove was known as a Bohemian, wooded enclave, a haven for tree lovers and flower children of the 1960s.
There are at least 150 tree species, many of which are labeled for the tree lovers who care.
Mr. Radoff concedes that tree lovers are reputed to be nutty, but he doesn't think he is.
This is war, the tree lover vs. the city bureaucracy.
Philodendron (tree lover) is a large genus of the Arum family, Araceae.
One dead tree lover converts to e-reading.
Yesterday, the tree lovers discussed such radical and seemingly unfeasible actions as forming posses to stake out trees.
There have been no lasting grudges, though, and his family tree is filled with generations of woodworkers and tree lovers.