Along with mowing and some tree pruning, the annual cost typically runs to more than $1,000.
Understanding the branch collar anatomy is important in tree pruning.
There are many techniques for tree pruning that differ in the measurement that is used to optimize performance.
The gardening cooperative is sponsoring its annual course to train volunteers in tree pruning and maintenance.
The money will go to benches, paths, plants, tree pruning and fencing.
The Parks Department is responsible for tree pruning, but its budget was cut last year along with those of other city agencies.
Shredding is a traditional European method of tree pruning by which all side branches are removed repeatedly leaving the main trunk and top growth.
Mr. Lovallo said that most tree pruning is to remove dead or diseased branches, which produce no leaves but sap a tree's strength.
Zoning, garbage removal, street cleaning, park maintenance, tree pruning and pollution in the bay are major issues in the area, which largely consists of single-family homes.
A whoopie sling is an easily adjustable rope sling designed for tree pruning or tree removal.