This hotel is set against a pleasant backdrop of tree-covered slopes.
There's abundant rainfall, year-round warm temperatures and steep tree-covered slopes well beyond the reach of the law.
William looked up the tree-covered slopes on either side.
The wolves remained, one on either flank, silver fur stark against the tree-covered slopes.
Richard scanned the surrounding flat washes, rocky hills, and steep tree-covered slopes beyond, but didn't see anyone else.
Something moved behind her... instantly Sigarni leapt out and ran to the right, toward a gentle, tree-covered slope.
The surface of the reach was still and unruffled, and reflected as in a mirror the tree-covered slopes of the opposite bank.
Grinning, Frank and Joe walked up the tree-covered slope to the house.
So he bought a couple of tree-covered slopes that face south and southeast, exactly the sort of land that winemakers dream about.
Quietly the boys climbed the tree-covered slope.