Twenty-five-hundred-odd men was not much of an invasion force, but they had the advantages of speed and surprise, backed by the tremendous sheer firepower of CVBG-14.
The tremendous firepower of the screen, however, together with the aggressive combat air patrols flown from the American carriers, proved too much for even the aggressive Japanese.
The SEALs possessed a considerable advantage in the M-60E3s they were humping, two weapons that could provide them with tremendous portable firepower.
Everywhere there were small tensions, pressures and diplomatic maneuverings but no one spoke openly of war for this, in an era of tremendous firepower, would be an unbelievable slaughter.
Even after today's treaty, which was agreed upon only two weeks ago in London, the superpowers will retain tremendous firepower, with huge numbers of weapons trained upon each other's principal cities.
Dana added the tremendous firepower of her Battloid to that of Marie's Guardian and the shuttle's batteries.
Automatic shotguns have a very limited range, but provide tremendous firepower at close range.
It confirmed Rhodan's theory concerning the tremendous firepower of a stationary fort.
Once she got out of the way, suppressor fields and tremendous firepower would be brought to bear on the theater.
Burundi's Tutsi-controlled army has "tremendous firepower and force, which, if out of control, could do tremendous damage," the Western diplomat said.