College sneaker deals for coaches give athletic directors tremendous financial leverage.
"It adds tremendous leverage to the players," he said.
As long as X is playing well, he's in a position to have tremendous leverage, knowing that we're certainly going to want him back.
Now, the discontent with managed care and the creation of large hospital networks have given the hospitals tremendous leverage.
What most people have had difficulty understanding is the tremendous leverage possible when you have a market growing this fast.
It also meant that there was no way to hedge against future price increases, which obviously gave producers tremendous leverage.
"China and India have tremendous leverage in terms of getting the advanced equipment they are seeking."
The machines had to have secrets that could be exploited for tremendous leverage.
Then, if there are enough years left in the warrant and the company survives, you can get some tremendous leverage.
Maybe someday man would learn to tame dinosaurs, and gain tremendous leverage against the environment.