The outrage generated by the case gave a tremendous momentum to the emerging civil rights movement.
"Both are strong, profitable companies with reputations for integrity, and combined they will give tremendous momentum to gaming."
This power that is pulled out from their passion and life-force can destroy the enemy with its tremendous momentum.
"This is something that is gaining tremendous momentum," he said.
"They have tremendous momentum in the marketplace and there's no evidence of that slowing."
"We have tremendous forward momentum," he said, "but it is not an institution that will ever be complete."
With tremendous momentum, the thing went completely through, and was swallowed by the night.
After a few years of tremendous momentum, the organization began to have internal squabbles.
There's tremendous momentum in the way they play together.
It took years to develop the script and find the right producers, but when it started to move, there was tremendous momentum.