It also spoke to the audience, who gave Mr. Henze a tremendous ovation when he took the stage.
The emcee was yelling things into it, but the tremendous ovation drowned out even the tornado of sound that the loudspeakers created.
Nevertheless, both horse and rider were given a tremendous ovation by the crowd.
It would have given the populace a great thrill and me, doubtless, a tremendous ovation.
"The sonata received a tremendous ovation, Rob," she said softly.
After an hour he left the lectern to a tremendous ovation.
He left the game to a tremendous ovation.
Randolph even finished his playing career at Shea in 1992, receiving what he remembered as a "tremendous ovation" on the last day of the season.
She received a tremendous ovation, and it was over an hour before the people would let her go in.
The symphony played to a tremendous ovation.