Over the bed Tyler tumbled headfirst, right into the other wall with a tremendous thud.
"I was driving near Bethlehem when all of a sudden this hit the car with a tremendous thud," he said, pulling a 14-pound rock the size of a soccer ball out of the bag.
A split second later there was a tremendous thud and the earth shook.
Her heart gave a tremendous thud and adrenaline surged through her, and she was sitting naked on the living room floor in her condo in Oklahoma with a surprising amount of water soaking the carpet.
It seems reluctant to fall, staggering and thumping forward on its severed base for several seconds before tipping over and striking the mucky base of the pit with a tremendous thud.
The creature stared at them with red, fiery eyes, its great wings spanning the length of the wall, its tail lashing the floor with a tremendous thud.
There goes the boiler, he added as a tremendous jarring thud came from the stricken enemy, followed by a cloud of steam and smoke as she broke in two and swiftly sank.
There was a tremendous thud a moment later, about a hundred yards to their east.
"Dunno-" The tremendous thud causes the earth beneath their tent to shake, sending Saxon scurrying out of his girlfriend's grasp.
With a tremendous thud the left wheel hit the roof of the cab and my right wing rose.