However, several demographic trends have converged to erode the Democratic base in this district.
These trends converge on a single spot on the map: Kashmir.
Second, three dangerous trends are converging around Israel.
In the early 16th century, several humanistic trends converged which allowed the madrigal to form.
The changes point up the intensifying competition in the casino category as several trends converge.
The need for such a person on corporate staffs comes at a time when two important trends are converging that affect American workers.
The trend in hardware design converged on the most common implementation of using eight bits per byte, as it is widely used today.
Numerous other trends are converging to push skin care front and center.
Several demographic, economic, technological and social trends are also converging in the Hamptons.
But in the last few years, technological and demographic trends have converged to make the validity of surveys suspect.