And few economic trends point to relief in prices during the warmer weather of the months ahead, a period when drivers take longer road trips.
Overwhelmingly, in the global market the trends point toward the market becoming increasingly female in the future, but only time will tell for sure.
"All trends point to a line piercing the 5 percent mark within three years," Mr. Gilbert said.
The trend also points to a convergence of two growth industries.
The trend also pointed toward a stunning reversal for the Mexican left, which won 31.1 percent of the vote in the 1988 presidential race.
AN important demographic trend is pointing to the resurgence of traditional family life with wide implications for the economy and business.
Market studies and demographic trends point to other factors as well.
"The long-term trend is obviously pointing in that direction."
Current trends pointed to a massive problem of food availability next year.
But the trends are pointing toward a recovery, state and city officials said.