The trends are reported in the April issue and do not necessarily represent the position of the institute.
The trend may represent a slap at tradition, or perhaps a shrewd sense that a popular name can win a theory more attention and financing.
In some respects, this trend represents an odd turn of events.
"But still, for the worker this trend represents a deterioration of economic conditions."
But I am concerned about the loss of jobs this trend represents.
In many ways, the trend represents a return to the rehabilitation of offenders, an idea popular in the 1960's and early 1970's.
Nor do the titles below represent, as far as I can see, any important trends in world cinema.
The trend represents a serious threat to effective law enforcement.
These arguments are dismissed, and Lynn asserts that these trends represent a serious problem.
The trend represents a profound shift for an industry that touches virtually every large company around the globe.