And then there are the streetwear moguls and trend spotters who are just trying to keep pace with the market.
It takes someone who is engrossed with popular culture to be an effective trend spotter.
"You can't put an ad in the paper saying you're looking for trend spotters," he said.
"Baking bread will become a growth area," said Irma Zandl, a professional trend spotter, who also sees opportunities in high-quality coffee and specialty foods.
Ms. Gunnill waves it all away, saying: "Listen, I'm a trend spotter!
Another friend "consults" as a trend spotter and Web producer.
Even Ms. Job, the trend spotter who attends the parties and clicks on the site regularly, is put off by some of the photos.
In newsrooms, board rooms and classrooms, we "Braille the culture," as one professional trend spotter, Faith Popcorn, has famously put it.
A large proportion of them just want to identify with the look or just trend spotters who wants to keep pace with the market.
She was too busy designing fashion collections and being paid as a trend spotter for Japanese clients.