She can't keep her feet on the ground, which results in her floating; she wears glittery and trendy fashions.
It features mainly trendy Asian-inspired fast-retail fashion at bargain prices.
Officials hope the move at Roosevelt School will help the 1,100 youngsters concentrate on their studies instead of trendy fashions.
Leave it to the French to turn policing into a trendy fashion statement.
On Q runs four days a week, promoting trendy fashions.
Brian is a chronic cutup, partial to trendy fashions and zippy wisecracks.
At the same time, there are a number of specialty shops that provide access to trendier fashion.
We, the producers, will be very happy if you keep these points in mind when you enjoy the trendy fashion.
We think that they still want the trendy fashions.
The advertisers also reflect the editorial content, which is about lifestyle and accomplishment rather than trendy fashion and how to get a date.