For this spring, if you own a single item mixed with lace, anyone can easily complete a trendy look.
This season, he says, he's trying to give the stars a less trendy, more mature look.
Kapoor stated that she did not want to play a stereotypical mother's role, and instead opted for a trendy look to portray a modern mother better.
There is a trendy, minimalist look to its 34 rooms and suites.
Adolfo Sarni, 23 Italy This is a very trendy look.
And the cinder block shelves sort of lend the place that trendy industrial look, don't they?
We have clients that may buy both caiman and alligator belts, mostly because one has a trendier look and the other is more classic and elegant.
One is the fashion of the Chinese population, often a trendy, oversize look on undersized bodies.
Both girls always project a trendy look, wear brand-name fashion items, most likely have part-time jobs, and attend gōkon (group blind date) parties.
With a trendy, sophisticated look, I'd much rather tote them around the office than my diet drinks.