The five or six blocks represented some of the trendiest stores in the entire city.
County officials propose to build luxury townhouses, trendy stores, and office buildings.
They call it Disneyfication, meaning a lot of trendy stores, tchotchke dealers, bars open until 4 in the morning.
"I tried to stay out of the trendy 60's stores," she said.
His body, although humanoid, was stylized, like a mannequin in a trendy store.
"This is exactly how Fort Greene took off, a cafe here and a couple trendy stores," she said.
When he wore a wool cap, Topshop, a trendy British store, quickly produced a copy and sold thousands.
Ms. Davis charges around the world, trying to persuade models, athletes, musicians and owners of trendy stores to don her sneakers.
You have only to pop into any trendy store to see that fashion is heeding the call of the wild.
New neighborhoods are opening up, along with galleries, restaurants, clubs and trendy stores.