One of the jurors, speaking to the press when the trial adjourned, stated "The evidence in favor of CBS was overwhelming."
The trial adjourned.
The trial adjourned today for a holiday recess and will reconvene on Jan. 4.
The trial of Adolf Eichmann adjourned in Israel after 73 days, and the three judge panel began deliberating the evidence.
The trial adjourned for the day after Ms. Rubin's statement.
Then the trial adjourned for 10 days so the judge, Oscar Magi, could decide whether to suspend the trial temporarily.
"William, I'll give you a call when my trial adjourns for the day."
As the trial adjourns for the day, Maryk expresses dissatisfaction with Greenwald's defense.
The trial of Mr. Hussein adjourned until May 15, when the defense is expected to begin presenting witnesses.
The trial opened briefly in Baghdad three weeks ago and quickly adjourned.